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    ModBus TCP/IP Ethernet card


    ModBus TCP/IP Ethernet card for weighing

    Ethernet (also known as the IEEE 802.3 standard) is a local area network technology.


    The Ethernet field network is based on the master/slave principle:

    • An address identifies each machine. (2 machines must not have the same address).
    • All machines in an Ethernet network are connected to the same transmission line and communication is carried out using a protocol.
    • With this protocol any machine is allowed to transmit on the line at any time and without any notion of priority between the machines.


    Also, this Ethernet communication via Modbus TCP/IP is simple:

    • Each machine verifies that there is no communication on the line before transmitting…
    • If two machines are transmitting simultaneously, then a collision occurs.
    • The two machines interrupt their communication and wait for a random delay, then the first one that has passed this delay can then re-transmit


    What’s more, here are the main characteristics of the Ethernet Modbus TCP/IP in a weighing solution:

    Support : Copper 5 wires. (4 communications + shielding)

    Throughput: 10 Mbits/s

    Total length: 100 m. (without line repeater)

    Type of exchange: Master/slave.


    Use the ethernet with weighing indicators:

    The indicator for Ethernet Modbus TCP/IP is a slave node that can send or read data through a master of the network.

    The exchange of data with other slaves or between two indicators is easily established through a PLC (or computer).


    Also, the connection to the fieldbus can be made in two ways:

    Via a crossover RJ45 cable, in the case of a direct connection between the indicator and the PLC (or cumputer)

    Via a straight RJ45 cable, in case of a connection between the indicator and the PLC (or computer) made with a HUB


    The standard size of the data exchanged by the IDe indicator is:

    • 8 octets in input
    • 22 octets in output

    The IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address can be set on the IDE.


    Indicators that can be used with this ModBus TCP/IP Ethernet card : IDe 150/250

    Check our unmanned weighing terminals here : weighing kiosks.

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